Begin dump of SDIM6874.X3F *** Properties section *** VERSION_BF: Eng FIRMVERS:SD14 1.08 DRIVE:2S PMODE:M AEMODE:C AFMODE:MF FOCUS:M AFAREA:CENTER_V ISO:100 LENSFRANGE:50 LENSMODEL:10 EVAL_STATE:POST-EXPOSURE RESOLUTION:HI WB_DESC:Flash COLORSPACE:sRGB CAMMANUF:SIGMA CAMMODEL:SIGMA SD14 SH_DESC:1/80 EXPTIME:12048 SHUTTER:0.012048 APERTURE:5.65685 AP_DESC:5.6 EXPNET:0 FLASH:ON AFINFOCUS:H LENSARANGE:45 to 2.8 FLENGTH:50 FLEQ35MM:85 EXPCOMP:0 FLASHTYPE:INTERNAL FLASHTTLMODE:ON FLASHEXPCOMP:0 FLASHPOWER:0 TIME:1452721373 CAMNAME: CAMSERIAL:01002628 BRACKET:0 of 0 BURST:1 *** CAMF data section *** CMbT:CamsettingsInfo Camsettings-F13-SD14-PP CMbM:ContentVersionNumber Type=6 (int), Dimensions=1 (D0) (2) M[0]=0 (0) M[1]=70 (46) CMbT:ContentSummary SD14Cal Rel_17 SD14Cal-001 CMbT:CalibrationInfo Starting calibration file for SD14F13_Rev3; S/N 01002628; SD14Cal Rel_17; TestExec V2.4; RunID: SD14Cal-001; Run time: 26-Feb-2007 08:19:45 CMbP:WhiteBalanceCorrections Sunlight WBCorrection_Sunlight Shade WBCorrection_Shade Overcast WBCorrection_Overcast Incandescent WBCorrection_Incandescent Fluorescent WBCorrection_Fluorescent Flash WBCorrection_Flash Auto WBCorrection_Identity Custom WBCorrection_Identity CMbP:WhiteBalanceIlluminants Sunlight CamToXYZ_Flash Shade CamToXYZ_Flash Overcast CamToXYZ_Flash Incandescent CamToXYZ_Flash Fluorescent CamToXYZ_Flash Flash CamToXYZ_Flash Auto CamToXYZ_Flash Custom CamToXYZ_Flash CMbM:WBCorrection_Sunlight Type=3 (float), Dimensions=2 (D0, D1) (3x3) 1.009 -0.0018 -0.007 0.0037 0.9978 -0.0015 0.0011 -0.0017 0.915 CMbM:WBCorrection_Shade Type=3 (float), Dimensions=2 (D0, D1) (3x3) 1.0641 -0.0126 -0.0312 0.027 0.9835 -0.0071 0.0046 -0.0069 0.6441 CMbM:WBCorrection_Overcast Type=3 (float), Dimensions=2 (D0, D1) (3x3) 1.0411 -0.0082 -0.0209 0.0177 0.9884 -0.0048 0.0031 -0.0046 0.7595 CMbM:WBCorrection_Incandescent Type=3 (float), Dimensions=2 (D0, D1) (3x3) 0.8117 0.0437 0.0944 -0.0946 1.0936 0.022 -0.0138 0.0201 2.0835 CMbM:WBCorrection_Fluorescent Type=3 (float), Dimensions=2 (D0, D1) (3x3) 1.0012 -0.0038 0.0358 0.0101 0.9713 0.0069 -0.0061 0.01 1.4796 CMbM:WBCorrection_Flash Type=3 (float), Dimensions=2 (D0, D1) (3x3) 1.0506 -0.0101 -0.0251 0.0216 0.9861 -0.0057 0.0037 -0.0055 0.7127 CMbM:WBCorrection_Identity Type=3 (float), Dimensions=2 (D0, D1) (3x3) 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 CMbM:AutoAdjustFlags Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=14 (E) CMbM:EPSEmuQPDims Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (2) M[0]=656 (290) M[1]=440 (1B8) CMbM:EPSEmuExifThumbDims Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (2) M[0]=640 (280) M[1]=480 (1E0) CMbM:SensorISO Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=100 CMbM:RedSharpen Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=0 CMbM:FlareFactor Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=0.01 M[1]=0.01 M[2]=0.01 CMbM:BulbFrameTimeMax Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=-694967296 (D693A400) CMbM:FIR_DisableStep Type=6 (int), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=0 (0) CMbM:FIR_ProportionLocalMeanRef Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=0.0011 CMbM:FIR_ProportionLocalMeanEdgeRef Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=0.0019 CMbM:FIR_ProportionLocalMeanImgWithEdgeRef Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=0.019 CMbM:FIR_ScaleFactorEdgeRef Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=5 CMbM:FIR_ScaleFactorLocalMeanEdgeRef Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=7 CMbM:FIR_Iterations Type=6 (int), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=1 (1) CMbM:FIR_Locality Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=1 CMbM:FIR_SigmoidOffset Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=0.55 CMbM:FIR_EdgeMapExponent Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=0.7 CMbM:PostPolyMatrix Type=3 (float), Dimensions=2 (D0, D1) (3x9) M[0,0]=0 M[0,1]=0 M[0,2]=0 M[0,3]=0 M[0,4]=0 M[0,5]=0 M[0,6]=0 M[0,7]=0 M[0,8]=0 M[1,0]=0 M[1,1]=0 M[1,2]=0 M[1,3]=0 M[1,4]=0 M[1,5]=0 M[1,6]=0 M[1,7]=0 M[1,8]=0 M[2,0]=0 M[2,1]=0 M[2,2]=0 M[2,3]=0 M[2,4]=0 M[2,5]=0 M[2,6]=0 M[2,7]=0 M[2,8]=0 CMbM:ChromaBlur Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=64 CMbM:ChromaSumShift Type=6 (int), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=3 (3) CMbM:DespeckleExpTimeThresh Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=2000000 (1E8480) CMbM:ColorDQCamRGB Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=0.5 M[1]=0.5 M[2]=0.5 CMbM:SpatialDQ Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=1 CMbM:ChromaDQ Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=10 M[1]=10 M[2]=10 CMbM:ColorDQCamRGB_JPEG Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=0.5 M[1]=0.5 M[2]=0.5 CMbM:SpatialDQ_JPEG Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=1 CMbM:ChromaDQ_JPEG Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=24 M[1]=24 M[2]=24 CMbM:GrayAverageRange Type=3 (float), Dimensions=2 (D0, D1) (2x3) M[0,0]=350 M[0,1]=350 M[0,2]=350 M[1,0]=3200 M[1,1]=3200 M[1,2]=3200 CMbM:BulbFrameCountMax Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=1 (1) CMbM:EPSEmuPrevDims Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (2) M[0]=2640 (A50) M[1]=1760 (6E0) CMbM:KeepImageArea Type=1 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (4) M[0]=0 (0) M[1]=0 (0) M[2]=2687 (A7F) M[3]=1791 (6FF) CMbM:ActiveImageArea Type=1 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (4) M[0]=24 (18) M[1]=16 (10) M[2]=2663 (A67) M[3]=1775 (6EF) CMbM:DarkShieldTop Type=1 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (4) M[0]=24 (18) M[1]=4 (4) M[2]=2663 (A67) M[3]=8 (8) CMbM:DarkShieldBottom Type=1 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (4) M[0]=24 (18) M[1]=1783 (6F7) M[2]=2663 (A67) M[3]=1787 (6FB) CMbM:DarkShieldColRange Type=2 (long), Dimensions=2 (D0, D1) (2x2) M[0,0]=8 (8) M[0,1]=9 (9) M[1,0]=2673 (A71) M[1,1]=2674 (A72) CMbM:ExpectedOutputRatio Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (2) M[0]=1 M[1]=1 CMbM:ColumnFilterSquareRGB Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=0 M[1]=0 M[2]=0 CMbM:SegmentChargeFeedThrough Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=0 CMbM:SegmentBoundaryInterval Type=1 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=4 (4) CMbM:DarkLevel Type=0 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=1146 (47A) M[1]=1265 (4F1) M[2]=1233 (4D1) CMbM:DarkStddev Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=4.53126 M[1]=4.19123 M[2]=4.35418 CMbM:MaxOutputLevel Type=0 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=3225 (C99) M[1]=3287 (CD7) M[2]=3302 (CE6) CMbM:RawSaturationLevel Type=0 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=2994 (BB2) M[1]=3081 (C09) M[2]=3079 (C07) CMbM:SaturationLevel Type=0 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=6046 (179E) M[1]=5983 (175F) M[2]=6091 (17CB) CMbM:SpatialGain Type=3 (float), Dimensions=3 (D0, D1, D2) (33x49x3) CMbM:CalTemperature Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=27.25 CMbT:ColorspaceTestText Colorspace is sRGB! CMbM:EPSEmuRawDims Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (2) M[0]=2688 (A80) M[1]=1792 (700) CMbM:EPSEmuX3FThumbDims Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (2) M[0]=221 (DD) M[1]=147 (93) CMbM:CaptureISO Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=100 CMbM:CaptureShutter Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=12048 CMbM:CaptureAperture Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=5.656854 CMbM:CaptureExpComp Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=-3 CMbP:AutoAdjustParams OffsetExposure 0.0 OffsetContrast 0.0 OffsetShadow 0.0 OffsetHighlight 0.0 OffsetSaturation 0.0 OffsetSharpness 0.0 OffsetX3FillLight 0.0 OffsetColorAdjustR 0.0 OffsetColorAdjustG 0.0 OffsetColorAdjustB 0.0 CMbM:SensorTemperature Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=26.875 CMbM:SensorBoardTemperature Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=25 CMbM:PCLKMHzMeasured Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=36.0006 CMbM:CaptureExpTime Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=27805 CMbP:DCBRegsUsed PID 0x0D03 VER 0x0014 SCR 0xF056 IMCTL 0x0010 ACT 0x0002 RESET 0x0000 POC 0x0007 APOC 0x0C11 INTEN 0x0000 INTS 0x0000 INT 0xFFFF INTP 0x0004 DAC 0x0000 RMODE 0x0060 EHB 0x0000 HSA 0x0000 HSIZE 0x0A80 HSTEP 0x0001 HBIN 0x0001 VSA 0x0000 VSIZE 0x0700 VCTL 0x0000 EVB 0x0000 TPAT 0x0000 EXPH 0x000F EXPL 0xFFF0 RSR 0x000A ROWTH 0x0000 ROWTL 0x135F SIFC 0x0000 SIFD 0x0007 COUNT 0x0000 MISC 0x0008 DMYB 0x0000 DMYT 0x0000 GRST 0x0FA0 GCPU 0x0FA0 GR2O 0x00C8 RWRST 0x0032 RWCPU 0x00C8 RWR2O 0x00C8 RWCHG 0x0190 CPDT 0x00C8 OMC1 0x0000 OMV1 0x0000 OMC2 0x0000 OMV2 0x0000 CMbP:F13RegsUsed IPOC 0x0007 IAPOC 0x0C11 IPID 0x0D03 IPROM 0x0000 IDCB 0x0000 IHCTL0 0x0010 IHCTL1 0x0800 IHTS 0x0000 IHBS 0x0000 IHI 0x0000 IVCTL 0x0200 IVTS0 0x0000 IVBS0 0x0000 IVI0 0x0001 IVTS1 0x0000 IVBS1 0x0000 IVI1 0x0001 IVTS2 0x0000 IVBS2 0x0000 IVI2 0x0001 IDMYT 0x0000 IDMYB 0x0000 CMbP:ImagerSettings Spare0_DAC 0 Spare1_DAC 0 Vmid_DAC 0.73 VidHold_DAC 0 VSFD_DAC 1.8 VCPUR_DAC 1 VCPUG_DAC 1 VCPUB_DAC 1 BiasSettleTime 10000 ACT 2 POC 7 APOC 3089 RMODE 96 EHB 0 EVB 0 TPAT 0 EXP 4294967280 RSR 10 MISC 8 DMYB 0 DMYT 0 GRST 4000 GCPU 4000 GR2O 200 RWRST 50 RWCPU 200 RWR2O 200 RWCHG 400 CPDT 200 OMC1 0 OMV1 0 OMC2 0 OMV2 0 HSIZE 2688 VSIZE 1792 HSA 0 VSA 0 HSTEP 1 HBIN 1 VCTL 0 VSFDRst_DAC 0 VCPURRst_DAC 0 VCPUGRst_DAC 0 VCPUBRst_DAC 0 ShutterDelayTime 0 KeepPartialReadout NO ReadoutIfModeError NO ReadoutEarly NO StopEarly 0 UseINTPin YES TExp 0 CMbM:DIAGNOSTIC_RAW_BUF_ADDRESS Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=89133056 (5501000) CMbM:DIAGNOSTIC_DARK_BUF_ADDRESS Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=67112960 (4001000) CMbM:ColumnFilterRGB Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=0 M[1]=0 M[2]=0 CMbM:SegmentCapacitance Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=0 CMbM:CamToXYZ_Flash_Original Type=3 (float), Dimensions=2 (D0, D1) (3x3) 0.47857 1.06312 0.10573 -2.58003 5.72173 -1.95646 2.1408 -7.3347 7.92783 CMbM:CamToXYZ_Flash Type=3 (float), Dimensions=2 (D0, D1) (3x3) 0.4790829 1.061228 0.105999 -2.576906 5.722378 -1.960182 2.136138 -7.33033 7.929642 CMbM:BadPixels Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1097) CMbM:UsePreComputedDrift Type=2 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=1 (1) CMbM:DarkDrift Type=3 (float), Dimensions=3 (D0, D1, D2) (2x3x2) M[0,0,0]=0 M[0,0,1]=0.3007813 M[0,1,0]=0 M[0,1,1]=0.5976563 M[0,2,0]=0 M[0,2,1]=0.171875 M[1,0,0]=0 M[1,0,1]=0.3007813 M[1,1,0]=0 M[1,1,1]=0.5976563 M[1,2,0]=0 M[1,2,1]=0.171875 CMbM:DBG_DrkShieldRawMean Type=1 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=1152 (480) M[1]=1267 (4F3) M[2]=1239 (4D7) CMbM:DBG_DrkShieldDarkMean Type=1 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=1152 (480) M[1]=1267 (4F3) M[2]=1239 (4D7) CMbM:DBG_DrkShieldDarkVariance Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=25.98242 M[1]=26.05534 M[2]=21.6582 CMbM:DBG_DrkShieldDarkDrift Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=0.3007813 M[1]=0.5976563 M[2]=0.171875 CMbM:DBG_MaxRGB Type=1 (long), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=864 (360) M[1]=1131 (46B) M[2]=1162 (48A) CMbM:DBG_GrayMean Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (3) M[0]=220 M[1]=281 M[2]=278 CMbM:DBG_AutoExposureNA Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=1 CMbM:DBG_AutoContrast Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=0 CMbM:DBG_AutoShadow Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=-0.3 CMbM:DBG_AutoHilite Type=3 (float), Dimensions=1 (D0) (1) M[0]=0.7 CMbP:IncludeBlocks ContentVersionNumber CamsettingsInfo IncludeBlocks UsePreComputedDrift SensorISO ChromaBlur RedSharpen FlareFactor SpatialDQ ChromaDQ ColorDQCamRGB SpatialDQ_JPEG ChromaDQ_JPEG ColorDQCamRGB_JPEG DespeckleExpTimeThresh ColumnFilterRGB ColumnFilterSquareRGB SegmentCapacitance SegmentChargeFeedThrough SegmentBoundaryInterval KeepImageArea ActiveImageArea DarkShieldTop DarkShieldBottom DarkShieldColRange ExpectedOutputRatio ChromaSumShift BulbFrameTimeMax BulbFrameCountMax GrayAverageRange FIR_ProportionLocalMeanRef FIR_ProportionLocalMeanEdgeRef FIR_ProportionLocalMeanImgWithEdgeRef FIR_ScaleFactorEdgeRef FIR_ScaleFactorLocalMeanEdgeRef FIR_Iterations FIR_Locality FIR_SigmoidOffset FIR_EdgeMapExponent FIR_DisableStep ImagerSettings PCLKMHzMeasured DCBRegsUsed F13RegsUsed SensorTemperature SensorBoardTemperature CaptureAperture CaptureExpComp CaptureExpTime CaptureISO CaptureShutter AutoAdjustParams AutoAdjustFlags ColorspaceTestText EPSEmuExifThumbDims EPSEmuPrevDims EPSEmuQPDims EPSEmuRawDims EPSEmuX3FThumbDims WhiteBalanceCorrections WhiteBalanceIlluminants WBCorrection_Sunlight WBCorrection_Shade WBCorrection_Overcast WBCorrection_Incandescent WBCorrection_Fluorescent WBCorrection_Flash WBCorrection_Identity ContentSummary CalibrationInfo PostPolyMatrix SaturationLevel RawSaturationLevel MaxOutputLevel DarkLevel DarkStddev SpatialGain BadPixels CamToXYZ_Flash CalTemperature DIAGNOSTIC_RAW_BUF_ADDRESS DIAGNOSTIC_DARK_BUF_ADDRESS CamToXYZ_Flash_Original DarkDrift DBG_DrkShieldRawMean DBG_DrkShieldDarkMean DBG_DrkShieldDarkVariance DBG_DrkShieldDarkDrift DBG_MaxRGB DBG_GrayMean DBG_AutoExposureNA DBG_AutoContrast DBG_AutoShadow DBG_AutoHilite